Friday, 9 December 2011

Can you whistle?


Ask me anything

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

How much TV do you watch?

I watch quite little TV compared to what I used to, the only thing I make efforts to watch live is the F1 and Doctor Who, everything else I can just watch online if I miss it so there's not much compulsion to watch TV then.

Ask me anything

Sunday, 4 December 2011

Have you ever recommended a book to a friend?

Looking For Alaska (my personal favourite book) and The Killing Joke tend to be books I recommend to people, well worth a read!

Ask me anything

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

What is your favorite type of sandwich?

Bacon sandwich, failing that a steak sandwich. Screw it I want a steak-wrapped-in-bacon toasted can tell that I'm rather hungry right now.

Ask me anything

Saturday, 19 November 2011

What celebrity do you look like?

I honestly have no idea, I can tell you that these online "which celebrity do you looks like" website/app things are absolute rubbish though.

Ask me anything

Thursday, 17 November 2011

Are you afraid of heights?

Yes, very.

Ask me anything

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

What's the last song that got stuck in your head?

The Kooks- Junk Of The Heart (Happy)

Ask me anything

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

What's your favorite late-night snack?

Usually crisps on a normal night, but if I have enough money left after a night out I may go for a burger and chips at a nearby fast-food place.

Ask me anything

Monday, 3 October 2011

Who is the last friend you made?

The most recent friend I made was a Spanish woman called Iris, friend of one of my photography friends. Met at a gig where another friend's band was performing.

Ask me anything

Tuesday, 27 September 2011

What fall TV show are you most excited about?

I don't actually know what new TV shows are coming out soon, should look into that. For now I'm enjoying Doctor Who and QI.

Ask me anything

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

What do you want to ask me?

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Can money buy happiness?

It can buy it for a short while, but it won't do the job completely.

Ask me anything

Thursday, 15 September 2011

How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?

Depends how early in the morning it is and how awake I feel when I get up.

Ask me anything

Friday, 9 September 2011

Do you say what's on your mind?

Not all the time no.

Ask me anything

Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Who's the best teacher you ever had?

My Year 6 teacher Mr Lavis, though my GCSE Biology teacher Mr Shephard and my A-Level Physics teacher Mr Brock come a close second.

Ask me anything

Sunday, 4 September 2011

What's your favorite saying?

I don't have any particular favourites but ones I do like include 'A Scarf once told me, whoever truly has nothing to hide walks around naked', 'Cogito Ergo Sum', and 'I love the British summer, it's my favourite day of the year!"

Ask me anything

Wednesday, 31 August 2011

What's your favorite food at a BBQ?

Burgers or sausages.

Ask me anything

Sunday, 28 August 2011

What do you wish you were better at?

A lot of things.

Ask me anything

Do you believe in aliens or life on other planets?

Absolutely, considering that there's an inconceivable amount of space in the universe I feel there simply has to be other life out there. Plus planets similar to Earth have been discovered and the life that exists out there could even survive on very different planets to ours. Bit of a waste don't you think if we're the only form of life in the universe?

Ask me anything

Friday, 26 August 2011

Do you like to play video games?

Yep! PSN: Scarf1991 Steam: scarf1991

Ask me anything

Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Ask me anything

Monday, 22 August 2011

How do you like your eggs cooked for breakfast?

How do I like my eggs in the morning? I like mine with a kiss. Boiled or fried? I'm satisfied, as long as I get my kiss.

Ask me anything

Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Do you have a nickname?

Scarf, Scarfles, Scarfamus, variations thereof =]

Ask me anything

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

what do you like doing most to cure bordom?

(*boredom) If I do get bored I'm likely to find a game to play or read unread books/magazines whilst listening to podcasts or watch unwatched DVD's. Whatever I think of at the time really.

Ask me anything

Sunday, 14 August 2011

Do you have any hidden talents?

If I do they're choosing to remain hidden for the time being!

Ask me anything

Friday, 12 August 2011

What's your favorite scent?

Petrichor is pretty high up there I would say, bacon too, also freshly-baked bread. Many scents.

Ask me anything

Wednesday, 27 July 2011

If you had kids, what would you name them? :)

I'd be sure they don't have the situation where if their name is called out in a crowd they won't think they are being called instead of someone else like I often was, for some reason I like the sound of Isaac if I had a boy. For a girl I'm not so sure, maybe something to consult my future wife about. Amelia, Mercedes, Summer perhaps?

Ask me anything

Ask me anything

Tuesday, 26 July 2011

If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it, does it really make a sound?


Ask me anything

Monday, 25 July 2011

How long could you last without your mobile phone?

A fair while probably, but I would probably become very precise on asking people to be sure to be at a specific time and place if I'm meeting them.

Ask me anything

Friday, 22 July 2011

do you know how to build a hydrogen bomb?

No I don't, probably best I don't either.

Ask me anything

Thursday, 21 July 2011

Have you ever been in love?

Yes I have.

Ask me anything

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

What makes you happiest?

Big question that is! I couldn't pin it down to one thing but it includes things like the sound of 20+ F1 cars screaming past me, being cuddled with the woman I love most, random conversations with my friends, that one awesome picture I just took. Many things my friend, many things.

Ask me anything

What is your idea of beauty in a woman?

I find it hard to explain what I find beautiful in a woman, you could notice how bright their eyes are or how heartwarming their smile is, the littlest thing about a woman you can find beautiful and I guess that's as close to an answer I can give you for now.

Ask me anything

Ask me anything

How often do you remember your dreams?

Not sure, sometimes I remember parts of them but then when I try to think about them later after I've woken up I can't remember a single thing that happened :S

Ask me anything

Thursday, 14 July 2011

What would be the first thing you would've done having won 166 million on the lottery?

Formed a elaborate plan on how to spend/save it all and then execute it! Mumsie would be the first beneficiary.

Ask me anything

Sunday, 10 July 2011

When you go to the movies, what's your favorite snack?

Popcorn usually. It's the essential food to have at the cinema, adds to the experience!

Ask me anything

Monday, 4 July 2011

Ask me anything

Monday, 20 June 2011

If you could only eat at one fast food restaurant the rest of your life, which one would you choose?


Ask me anything

Wednesday, 15 June 2011

What's the worst injury you've had, and how did it happen?

It's not a big one but it's the worst I've had, I've had a hairline fracture in my left index finger. I got it about 4 years ago in school during a PE lesson playing basketball, unfortunate case where you reach for the ball and your finger gets bent the wrong way. Didn't actually hurt at the time but I remember it swelling up a bit when I got home, showed it to my Mum asking if something looked wrong and she drove me to A&E right there and then.

Ask me anything

Saturday, 11 June 2011

What's your astrological sign? Do you think it's representative of who you are?

Apparently I'm an Aquarius, and no I don't think it is. I think that many factors including my upbringing, the friends I've made, where I live define me more than the coincidental link of my birth date and one of many constellations in the sky.

Ask me anything

Sunday, 5 June 2011

If you were given the money to start a new business, what business would you open?

Ah but that would be telling, any brainwaves I have I'll save for Dragon's Den!

Ask me anything

Saturday, 4 June 2011

What do you always carry with you at all times?

There's no one object I carry with me all of the time, but quite often I carry my phone and/or my phone with me. But if I'm not leaving the house then I just put it somewhere I'll easily find it.

Ask me anything

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?

My mum told me a tale about this on a car ride not long ago, when I was little she asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up I said 'racing driver' but she said to me that unless we suddenly got rich it probably wasn't going to happen, so then I said 'footballer' but she said to me that they don't have very long careers and would retire early so in response I just said 'fine I'll just be an astronaut then!', but even now I still would want to be a racing driver.

Ask me anything

Thursday, 26 May 2011

What would you try if you had no fear?

Not sure, but without fear I think I'd end up doing stupid things along the way what with fear being what helps us stay out of situations we think we'll get hurt in.

Ask me anything

Monday, 16 May 2011

What TV show do you wish was still on the air?

First on my mind would be SM:TV Live, maybe Pot Black, oh Power Rangers got cancelled so I'd like that back aswell.

Ask me anything

Monday, 9 May 2011

What do you most appreciate about your mom?

Way too much to mention, she's done a lot for me. By the way Mother's Day in the UK has already happened formspring.

Ask me anything

You're stuck on a desert island. Excluding practical items (food, clothes, suncream), you're allowed 5 things. What do you take?

Practical as in anything that won't make me stuck on a desert island anymore? Screw it I'd just have my TARDIS, it's got all I need in it!

Ask me anything

Sunday, 8 May 2011

What religion are you?

I was Christened when I was a baby so as far as that's concerned it makes me more a Christian than any other religion.

Ask me anything

Saturday, 7 May 2011

how many people have you had sex with?


Ask me anything

Monday, 2 May 2011

If you were god for a day what would you do?

This is a tough question, I'm not completely sure what I'd do, maybe work out all the mysteries of life or change how people can often value opinions more than facts or make problems in life more easily solvable without resorting to violence.

Ask me anything

Sunday, 1 May 2011

What's the story behind your Formspring username?

My college nickname followed by the year I was born.

Ask me anything

How many times have you stood in front of a mirror wearing nothing but a pair of sports socks? If you haven't, do it! It's hilarious.

I don't think I have any sports socks, and as far as the mirror is concerned that only really happens after I've just had a shower or a bath.

Ask me anything

Any burning questions?

Which is you favourite planet?

Earth seems the most accommodating planet so I'll go with that, it has a breathable atmosphere and I like that.

Ask me anything

Saturday, 30 April 2011

What's the furthest place you've ever traveled to?

From home it would be Switzerland while on a ski-ing holiday.

Ask me anything

Friday, 22 April 2011

people who asked me a question in the last two days; my formspring as decided to delete my answers. o__O so sorry if I appear to have ignored you, it wasn't my intention.

That's ok, how are you?

Ask me anything

Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Bob Marley or Bob Dylan?

Ooh two very different artists I must say, but I'd rather listen to Bob Marley at the moment. Especially as it's a beautiful day outside and it would be nice to relax to some reggae.

Ask me anything

favourite song in the charts at the moment?

Took me a long time to find a song I actually liked in the Top 40 at the moment, but I'll settle for this one.
Martin Solveig & Dragonette- Hello

Ask me anything

What tech gadget do you want to buy next?

If I could afford it I'd like a smartphone, maybe a Windows Phone 7 or a Sony Playstation phone. If not a smartphone then a PS3 for myself.

Ask me anything

Biros or ink pens?

Ink pen, can write on more things with them.

Ask me anything

Do you believe in ghosts?

Not really, I haven't really seen conclusive proof that they exist.

Ask me anything

Sunday, 17 April 2011

Would you ever get involved in a love triangle?

A love triangle? Sounds problematic for everyone involved. Unless you're referring to a ménage a trois?

Ask me anything

like a "guy" think about it


Ask me anything


Screw formspring let's have an actual conversation :)

Ask me anything

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

What do you think the world will be like in 50 years?

Not too dissimilar from today I imagine, probably a few technological advances, different world leaders, less disease (hopefully). Can only know what it will be like once we get there.

Ask me anything

Monday, 4 April 2011

Opinions on two guys that are in love, kinda cute dontcha' think? :) <3

If two guys are in love with eachother then fair enough, not my place to tell them what they can and can't do.

Ask me anything

Opinions on Nico Draisey?

Who is he? Google doesn't seem to know either.

Ask me anything

Sunday, 3 April 2011

What sort of things?

Technology messing up, things falling over randomly, people not bothering to say goodbye, etc

Ask me anything

What irritates you the most?

I don't know if I could specify one thing that irritates me the most, but there are certainly various little things that get on my nerves.

Ask me anything

Friday, 1 April 2011

¿uʍop ǝpısdn ǝʇıɹʍ noʎ uɐɔ

Normally yes, on a computer I have no idea how.

Ask me anything

Monday, 28 March 2011

What's more important - who you know or what you know?

For getting places it's who you know, for answering things it's what you know.

Ask me anything

Sunday, 27 March 2011


Hey, how are you?

Ask me anything

Thursday, 24 March 2011

have you ever gazed into the laser scanner at the self check out counter?

Can't say I have, normally I tell the robot to keep quiet while I sort out its tiffs.

Ask me anything

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Ever been tempted to try sleeping with someone of the same sex?


Ask me anything

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Would you rather take a picture or have your picture taken?

Depends on the subject, I'm quite happy to take pictures if it's of an interesting subject but if I'm having a good time and/or with someone I want to capture a memory with I'll have my picture taken with them.

Ask me anything

Monday, 21 March 2011

Do you tend to be shy or an attention seeker?


Ask me anything

Saturday, 19 March 2011

Are you better at using your brain or your brawn?

Well seeing as there isn't much brawn to me I'll say brain.

Ask me anything

Friday, 18 March 2011

What charity have you most recently volunteered or donated to?

Red Nose Day/Comic Relief

Ask me anything

Thursday, 17 March 2011

If you could own any kind of pet, what would it be?

Penguin obviously! I don't even care if it's not in the "Wikipedia's List of Domesticated Animals" formspring is prompting me to select from.

Ask me anything

Saturday, 12 March 2011

If you could master one talent of your choice instantly, what would you choose?

Car control, in order to become the greatest racing driver the world has ever seen!

Ask me anything

Monday, 7 March 2011

Sounds like tasty breakfast! You making pancakes tomorrow? :D

Oh aye it was! I will provided I can acquire pancakes and/or be part of a group pancake nom-ing session

Ask me anything

Saturday, 5 March 2011

Is size 14 on a gal fat?

Well I'm not very familiar with dress sizes so I couldn't tell you, but more importantly it doesn't matter because the girl ought to feel happy with her body whatever size she is. As the saying goes big is beautiful.

Ask me anything

Aww, I'm disappointed. Ok, what did you have for breakfast this morning? :)

I can only apologise! If you can call it breakfast considering the time I ate I had pringles, garlic bread and curly chips.

Ask me anything

What's the most embarrassing thing that happened to you all last year? O_O;

I imagine several embarrassing things happened to me last year, but I can't remember anything specific to highlight as the biggest one, perhaps it's best if I don't!

Ask me anything

Any burning questions?

Wednesday, 2 March 2011

What's your daily morning routine?

Well as far as university is concerned with morning lectures I make an effort to get some breakfast in before going to the lecture, otherwise the normal wake-up/freshen up/get dressed razzmatazz.

Ask me anything

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

If the Internet and TV didn't exist, what would you spend most of your time doing?

Probably reading, writing letters to those I would be able to get in contact with, seeing theatre productions (as films wouldn't exist either), apart from that I can't suppose life would be too different.

Ask me anything

Friday, 25 February 2011

Favourite Blink 182 song?

What's My Age Again, only song by them I know to be honest.

Ask me anything

Okay, we're locked up in a room with no way out!! Evil kidnappers of doom!! To pass the time, what would you do to try and keep your sanity intact?

Focus on any distinguishing markings on the walls or on the floor, maybe sing some songs, but if I'm locked up with someone guess it would be as good a time as any to get to know them!

Ask me anything

Thursday, 24 February 2011

What language would you like to learn how to speak?


Ask me anything

Wednesday, 23 February 2011

What's the last good book you read?

Apart from Clarkson books I'd say Let It Snow by John Green, Maureen Johnson and Lauren Myracle.

Ask me anything

Whats your middle name?

Neil! Yours? I do believe Severus is wishful thinking :P

Ask me anything

Tuesday, 22 February 2011

If you could have any car you wanted, what kind of car would you get?

Mclaren F1 GT Longtail, no question.

Ask me anything

Friday, 18 February 2011

If you could eat at any restaurant in the world tonight, which one would you choose?

I don't really know any world-famous restaurants so I'd just want to find one where the atmosphere is nice and the food is delicious.

Ask me anything

Thursday, 17 February 2011

What song best describes your life right now?

I'd say that song is a good stab at describing my life.

Ask me anything

Tuesday, 15 February 2011

What's the first thing that you usually notice about someone you meet?

If it's a guy then it would be how they act, if it's a girl then I'll admit if they have striking eyes or a lovely smile I'll notice it and never forget it.

Ask me anything

is one night better than never?

Depends how it goes, if it's a silly one night stand and the other person leaves in the morning before you wake up obviously it won't be pleasant. But if it's a night you're truly happy you had and it all went fantastic then of course it's better than never.

Ask me anything

Monday, 14 February 2011

Favourite TV Programme?

Non-sport related I'd say Top Gear, Doctor Who and QI are all very close contenders! Yourself?

Ask me anything

Wednesday, 9 February 2011

So how are things going with the girl you liked, my darling?

Not much has changed to be honest, I'm putting aside thoughts of a relationship for now because I'm not even completely sure we're as good friends as we were before :/ we keep having conversations where I end up having to steer it in order to keep it going so it feels like she doesn't enjoy talking to me. I could be mistaken you never know, just would feel nice if she started conversations more often just to put my mind at rest.

Ask me anything

Friday, 4 February 2011

How do you feel about Carroll coming to Liverpool?

Bit of a shame to be honest, I liked Carroll and he provided us with some much-needed goals, would rather he stay at Newcastle.

Ask me anything

what's your favourite nail varnish colour?

I don't do nail varnish, what with me being a guy and all.

Ask me anything

Thursday, 3 February 2011


Rawr indeed :)

Ask me anything

Thursday, 27 January 2011

heyyy bbz i no dis iz relliii weiiird but basikllyyy i rellii lyk u. im 2 scarredd 2 tell u tho sorriiii :( do u thinkkk i hav a chanccce wif u? x

Depends who you are really, it's unfortunate that you choose to be anonymous if you're admitting that you like me. If you're a serious and actual person then I feel glad that there is someone out there that likes me.

Ask me anything

Tuesday, 25 January 2011

You are very charming young do you do it?

I'm glad you think I am :) how do I do it? That's a hard question to answer as I don't know how exactly I do it :S I'm just me I guess.

Ask me anything

TOAST!!! Exclamation marks make it yummier, no?

Oh of course! Bacon makes toast yummier too.

Ask me anything



Ask me anything

Sunday, 23 January 2011

Bears Vs Packers. Who's going to the Superbowl?

I don't follow NFL as I live in the UK but I'll flip a coin and say...Packers.

Ask me anything

Friday, 21 January 2011

oh baby!

Oh hey :)

Ask me anything

Tuesday, 18 January 2011

How's 2011 treating you so far?

Up and down as ever, feels just like 2010 did to be honest. Not much has changed.

Ask me anything

Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Why is it less likely to happen?

Well she hasn't said yes to me yet, and also bit easier to revise for exams than to revise how to get the person you like to like you back.

Ask me anything

Monday, 10 January 2011

Any resolutions for this new year? :)

Just one so far, well maybe two. First one being to pass this year at university, and the other to be with a special someone I have feelings for (but I think the latter being less likely to happen than the former).

Ask me anything

What's the best thing that happened to you in 2010?

One of the bests things I can immediately think of is having my first on-stage performance with the university's drama society, I didn't mess up my lines and was generally very happy with how it all went.

Ask me anything

Friday, 7 January 2011

:D what fictional character would you be for the day?

The Doctor, would love to live a day in his life. Especially if it's with the wonderful Amy Pond!

Ask me anything

Wednesday, 5 January 2011

17 Questions

Before I do this I shall ask whether my readers/followers would like me to do this in video form as technically this was a YouTube thing but for now I present it in blog form. Oh and whoever is reading this, you're tagged.

1. How did you get your YouTube screen-name?
I can’t remember exactly how I created ‘horrendousblah’ but I do have a habit of making up phrases so perhaps it was one of those.

2. If you could change your name to anything what would you change it to and why?
I’m ok with the name I have at the moment but if I was forced to make a choice then somehow the names ‘Charles’ or ‘Isaac’ spring to mind. As to why I guess to me they sound sophisticated and I like that sort of thing, wouldn’t mind calling my child either of those if I have a son.

3. If you could go back in time and give your younger self advice what would you say and why?
I’m bad enough at taking my own advice but that’s beside the point. Maybe something along the lines of “Try not to worry about life and the way it’s going for you, it will all work out in the end”

4. How old were you when you learned to blow bubbles in gum?
Quite a while ago I guess, maybe 11?

5. What did you want to be when you were younger?
As far as my memory serves me I’ve always wanted to be a Formula 1 racing driver, I’m completely obsessed with the sport but to get there you either need to be rich, the child of a previous world champion or have family willing to do anything to get you there. I don’t think I had that. My mum tells me of a time when I was little and she asked me this and I went from F1 driver to professional footballer. When she said those two weren’t so likely I went in a huff and went “Fine I’ll be an astronaut then!”

6. What do you buy in Starbucks?
Hot chocolate, with marshmallows and cream if I feel like spending even more money than I should on a hot chocolate, quite expensive that place.

7. What’s the hardest you’ve ever laughed?
What normally happens when I laugh my hardest is that I cry a bit and do that thing where you can’t make any noise because you’re laughing too hard. I remember one time at Drama where I was playing Park Bench with a group of friends (Google it) and my friend Marie sat next to me and started talking in Norwegian, I was in the middle of drinking my Coke at the time and I just paused because I was trying to work out what she was saying. Suddenly one of the group starts laughing and I start laughing too the more she talk and it got to the point where I couldn’t stop myself laughing and ended up in the aforementioned condition. Turns out she was just asking for a sip of my drink!

8. If you could play any musical instrument what would you play and why?
I play drums at the moment so I’d either want to be amazing at that or be able to play the piano very well. I’ll go with piano. But should that not work out I wouldn’t mind the harmonica.

9. What’s your favourite thing to do when you’re upset?
Usually I don’t end up thinking of what to do to make myself not upset anymore when I am, which is strange when I think about it. Old habits die hard. But a nice conversation or more preferably a cuddle would surely help, unfortunately cuddles aren’t readily available for me.

10. What’s your favourite movie?
The Cat Returns, without question. I could spend too much of your time saying why I like it so much but I’d encourage you to watch it yourself and tell me what you think of it.

11. What’s the food you can’t live without?
Chips. If I could I’d have them with every meal (bar dessert) and more often than not I do! Steaks are a close second.

12. What’s your favourite dessert?
Profiteroles would be a good contender for this spot, maybe mint ice cream.

13. Favourite pizza topping?
I don’t like pizza.

14. Would you rather have the power to read minds or be invisible?
Well if I had the power to read minds I’d hope it would help me in social situations through better understanding how other people are feeling and being to help them better. Also the movie What Women Want springs to mind. But being invisible would help for more mischievous things but if you get trapped somewhere you don’t want to be then patience better be a good quality, oh and the ability to be super quiet so that you don’t get discovered. So I’ll go for reading minds.

15. What did you do for your last birthday?
My Mum drove up to see me at university and during a meal at a restaurant gave me some presents, afterwards I joined Drama lot and the day wasn’t so bad.

16. If you could have one selfish wish, what would you wish for and why?
If it’s selfish then I can’t say lottery because I’d use some of the proceeds to help Mum pay for the house among other things (in the event of winning the jackpot), so I guess I would wish for the girl I have feelings for to feel the same for me as I do for her so we could be together.

17. What does OMGHHKP mean to you?
Oh Must Garfield Have Heavy Knitting Problems?