Thursday, 26 May 2011

What would you try if you had no fear?

Not sure, but without fear I think I'd end up doing stupid things along the way what with fear being what helps us stay out of situations we think we'll get hurt in.

Ask me anything

Monday, 16 May 2011

What TV show do you wish was still on the air?

First on my mind would be SM:TV Live, maybe Pot Black, oh Power Rangers got cancelled so I'd like that back aswell.

Ask me anything

Monday, 9 May 2011

What do you most appreciate about your mom?

Way too much to mention, she's done a lot for me. By the way Mother's Day in the UK has already happened formspring.

Ask me anything

You're stuck on a desert island. Excluding practical items (food, clothes, suncream), you're allowed 5 things. What do you take?

Practical as in anything that won't make me stuck on a desert island anymore? Screw it I'd just have my TARDIS, it's got all I need in it!

Ask me anything

Sunday, 8 May 2011

What religion are you?

I was Christened when I was a baby so as far as that's concerned it makes me more a Christian than any other religion.

Ask me anything

Saturday, 7 May 2011

how many people have you had sex with?


Ask me anything

Monday, 2 May 2011

If you were god for a day what would you do?

This is a tough question, I'm not completely sure what I'd do, maybe work out all the mysteries of life or change how people can often value opinions more than facts or make problems in life more easily solvable without resorting to violence.

Ask me anything

Sunday, 1 May 2011

What's the story behind your Formspring username?

My college nickname followed by the year I was born.

Ask me anything

How many times have you stood in front of a mirror wearing nothing but a pair of sports socks? If you haven't, do it! It's hilarious.

I don't think I have any sports socks, and as far as the mirror is concerned that only really happens after I've just had a shower or a bath.

Ask me anything

Any burning questions?

Which is you favourite planet?

Earth seems the most accommodating planet so I'll go with that, it has a breathable atmosphere and I like that.

Ask me anything