Saturday, 3 May 2008

Current song playing: The Feeling- Rose

Well here I am again, kind of breaking the rule of people asking me to write a blog but I guess I can't bear not being able to express myself.

Speaking of which, I am gradually realising how my words can affect people not in they way I'd like them to. It never makes me feel good to hear about someone not being themselves due to what I have said in here, it was never my intention to cause that. I just wanted others to understand how I feel about things in the hope they understand or can help me in case I can't help myself.

I'll admit something...I have Asperger's syndrome. I can't use this as an excuse for what I have said but I want you to know that I have always found it hard to say or do the right thing because of it. It hinders my ability to read social situations or peoples body language in the event of someone doing/saying something in a particular situation. But anyway if you want to know more about my Asperger's then you can either Google it or just feel free to ask me yourself, it would be nice to talk to you about it.

Anyway I have had a few niggling thoughts over these past few days, would probably be best to mention them but I shall try not to say anything untoward (feel free to correct me if I make any mistakes). I don't see the point in hiding people behind descriptive names so I'm just going to come out with it.

Cat, I am sorry to have been a bad influence to you recently, there probably are things in my blogs I shouldn't have said or said in a way that came across how I didn't want it to. I appreciate right now that you need some time for yourself so I'm going to just leave you to decide if and when you want to talk to me again. It would be an honour to speak to you. In the words of Outkast:
"I still get overwhelmed, when I look in your eyes"

Jo, I want to thankyou for lying with me on Thursday when I was crying my eyes out, I don't know many other people who'd be willing to spend so much time ensuring I was going to be OK and I apologise for making you cry as a result. You don't have to react that way over me and if I felt up to it at the time I would have made sure you felt better rather than the other way around.

Cathy, Lauren, it was extremely kind of you to see how I was and for talking to me about all this over the past couple of days. Your advice is well received and I shall keep it in mind.

Finally, just an apology to whoever I pissed off when they read my blogs. If there's anything in my blogs you don't like or want to comment on e-mail me at if you don't fancy posting a public comment.

I'll see you soon


Anonymous said...

that is lovely scarf,
have a nice weekend
hope my adive does help you
see you soon for one big hug!
x x x

talos said...

im sorry i wassunt there for ya scarf.

Loz Boz said...


i will always be here to listen and that is nice that you said what you said. Whenever you want to talk just say the word. See you soon *hugs* xxx