Monday, 12 May 2008

Current song playing: Elton John- Your Song

"How wonderful life is, when you're in the world"

It's amazing how the sun shining combined with just laying on the grass with your friends can just make a day feel so care-free. I've missed out on too much when I was in my old school, and you know what, I owe it all to those group of friendly lay-abouts I proudly call my friends. Some of them even best friends but I'll never be able to tell you who as I've never known what makes a best friend. I'll probably find out eventually just you wait.

The start of the standardised testing season began this week with a rolling start, turns out my revision was made redundant but the paper was simple enough so I can hardly complain.

A couple of revelations recently, 1) I'm unnaturally capable at "appearing from nowhere" behind my friends which I'm finding rather amusing & 2) I can do a better accent than I think I can, try me out on Welsh/Scottish for a start...I wonder what else I'll be able to imitate...

Anyway this has been a great day for me, I shall end this blog before something gets a chance to ruin it, pesky life whatever shall it do next eh?

I shall fare thee well and for that person I say I love you.

P.S. I was actually listening to my dear friend Fia on the piano before this song came on but it was too quick for me to post as the title, but nonetheless I recommend you listen to it if she ever sends you clips.


Fritzy said...

xD Hehe. After exams I will try learn the whole thing for ye.


Reminded me of the film... Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Good film that C:

XD Must say, it is funny when you just suddenly appear behind me. Show's how aware of my surroundings I am these days *hits head*