"So try your best
And think about it later
Or you will never know"
Good evening on this blustery cold (summers?) evening.
Despite the weather conditions in Brighton being on a par with the monsoon that was the last time we went down there I enjoyed myself a fair bit more I have to be honest.
Didn't take as many pictures as I would have liked but weather didn't help but batteries are being great at losing their charge within hoursn, with minimal usage, of being removed from the bosom that is the National Grid. But I digress.
I'll list down the highlights here as I find it easier to remember somehow but feel free to ask more about it, would love someone to talk to right now.
- Musing with Gav on my steel drum from Antuiga, working on how to work out how to play songs on it which should be great. He recommended I try being the drummer on a game called "Rock Band" too which I look forward to trying.
- Somehow fitting into the Brighton scene even whilst wearing my black-and-white-hat-shaped-no-eyed-spider of a ski hat.
- Trying to take pictures of us on the escalators in Primark.
- Savouring the taste of Mountain Dew.
- Watching a guy in "Oddballs" completely master the yo-yo and diabolo right in front of Dex and Gav while they watched on in awe mixed with shame (:P)
- Meeting and acquiring a delightful small rubber ducky named Jasmine (due to eyelashes).
- The hugs ^^.
- Seeing the self-titled Boop and Koop dressed up in skinny jeans and corsets, they looked rather fetching =] (in a im-not-trying-to-flirt-with-peoples-girlfriends-just-complimenting-their-looks kind of way *phew*)
- Going barefoot into the water with Lizzie and Shelle even though the beach was pointy of my feet (no needles don't worry)
- Watching Hannah go hyper on Mountain Dew.
- Finding caramel chews in dice containers with Japanese caligrophy on them...for 30p!
- Running after Shelle to get her onto the train in time for home.
- Finding a post which had a poem written in a sprial downwards so I read it, out loud whilst spinning round it and inadvertedly getting in loads of peoples ways. Quite funny looking from where Gav and Lizzie were standing, especially with my hat =]
Anyway if any of the people who went to Brighton with me (Fia/Lizzie/Shelle/Cat/Boop/Dex/Gav/Matt/Hannah/Imi/Cathy/Gemma) then feel free to share them with me be it in picture form or not =]
See you soon my friends.
lol aww thansk for posting this - made me giggle.
That poem thing was pure genius XD
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