Thursday, 29 May 2008

Current song playing: Jamiroquai- Cosmic Girl

"Sends me into hyperspace, when I see her pretty face"

Well here I am, free of exams and making the most of all the lie-ins I'm getting. Waking up at about 12:45pm gives you an idea of how much sleep I'm catching up eh?

I have had some really relaxing days though, and there's not much better than lying in your bed, watching Dr Who DVD's and talking to that ever so special girl. Oh and the odd cup of tea can't go amiss either.

Generally I'm feeling more at ease, don't know whether that's due to no more exams or whether I'm just feeling happier chatting to the girl I love more often and sharing what's troubling ourselves with eachother but what's for certain is that I'm thankful for that. If this is a sign of what's to come then I'm going to have a very good summer.

A quick message to those who ever told me to "get a life", well guess what? I've got one, and this summer is without doubt going to be the best one I've ever had. I've got all my friends, my love, the radio show, the vlog project, and all the park days I've had and am bound to have.

Yet I have two more weeks of this, I sense I'll probably be the peace maker while everyone around me goes crazy over their last exams, that actually doesn't sound like such a bad thing, will certainly give me a break from all my driving theory I'll be doing, my instructor has challenged me to be ready to take my test by June 16th so that'll be a mission.

Finally seeing as I can't seem to think of much more to write now I have a little message to send out, the right person who reads this will understand it.

It'll get easier, I know it may seem like it now but if you keep what makes you happy around you then that's all that matters. It's been an honour to be there for you and I hope to mean this much to you forevermore because you know what? It makes me so happy.

That's it I guess, with all this free time you can expect me to be posting more often but we'll soon see won't we?

Fare thee well, and I love you

Tuesday, 20 May 2008

Current song playing: Groove Armada- Crazy For you

What I'm dying to say,
is that I'm crazy for you,
Touch me once and you'll know it's true,
I never wanted anyone like this

Well if some of you are wondering where my blogs went well they're still here but as there are exams and whatnot on I haven't felt like I've had anything worth contributing to the world but nonetheless I thought I'd share something with you.

I'm going to keep a log of any dreams I experience in the hope I can find out anything about what I really feel about things or what influences me most. Anyway I shan't be posting them on here so I'll only post them if I think they're pretty darn interesting or mean something to me.

So here's an extract from one I had last Saturday night...

"Next I was in a giant theatre seating area with Dex, Fia and some other people when I needed to go to the toilet. I walked out towards the gent’s when this coloured guy looks at me funny and I said all I was doing was going to the toilet. Then suddenly me and Joy from My Name Is Earl are forced into the ladies toilet and Joy is forced into a room whilst I did my business and walked away. Somehow I then end up behind a bar on a stage when a female singer starts walking onto the stage and sings, she smiled at me and I smiled back. Then I see the crowd waving their arms from side to side, then I notice Fia seeing me do it and going “Aww”. Then I am in a park and I see Dex falling off a bike into a pool of mud and he hurt his arm."

I look forward to the summer and to the project I shall be a part of.

Monday, 12 May 2008

Current song playing: Elton John- Your Song

"How wonderful life is, when you're in the world"

It's amazing how the sun shining combined with just laying on the grass with your friends can just make a day feel so care-free. I've missed out on too much when I was in my old school, and you know what, I owe it all to those group of friendly lay-abouts I proudly call my friends. Some of them even best friends but I'll never be able to tell you who as I've never known what makes a best friend. I'll probably find out eventually just you wait.

The start of the standardised testing season began this week with a rolling start, turns out my revision was made redundant but the paper was simple enough so I can hardly complain.

A couple of revelations recently, 1) I'm unnaturally capable at "appearing from nowhere" behind my friends which I'm finding rather amusing & 2) I can do a better accent than I think I can, try me out on Welsh/Scottish for a start...I wonder what else I'll be able to imitate...

Anyway this has been a great day for me, I shall end this blog before something gets a chance to ruin it, pesky life whatever shall it do next eh?

I shall fare thee well and for that person I say I love you.

P.S. I was actually listening to my dear friend Fia on the piano before this song came on but it was too quick for me to post as the title, but nonetheless I recommend you listen to it if she ever sends you clips.

Wednesday, 7 May 2008

Current song playing: Klaxons- No Diggity

Well today I can say was a huge relief for me, I was foolish to start off the day with the old thought routine but thankfully I was able to have a great end to the day.

It was incredible, it was if a switch had flipped and all was good in the world again and I owe it all simply by being able to speak to her again, one minute I was shying away the next I was getting all chatty again. Oh what am I like sometimes...

Not only that but we have finally been graced with a beautifully sunny day and I can be sure we made the most of it lying in the daisies, speaking of which it was mighty impressive to have seen my love construct a daisy chain longer than an actual person, kudos to you my love you did a marvellous job (and thankyou for the smaller chain, I'm wearing it now as I'm typing this).

Pretty confident I managed to get a tan aswell, although I'm looking a tad burnt so might put on the magic anti-UV cream next time.

I was glad to have felt so relaxed and happy today, when that switch flipped it was as if all my problems could have chucked themselves off of a cliff for all I care and it's not that often I get to experience that. So a recommendation for whoever reads this and feels down, just get all your friends, go to the park on a sunny day and lie down amidst all the daisies and you'll feel much better. I know this from experience.

I owe a thankyou to my friends for giving me this wonderful afternoon, and to my love especially for triggering off this wonderful change. I feel so much at ease now so let's hope this continues while the sun still shines eh?

Anyway unless I can think of anything more to say in this I guess I better leave it at this, so cheerio and I'll see you next time.

Tuesday, 6 May 2008

Current song playing: Coldplay- Warning Sign

"And the truth is, I miss you"

That's basically how I'm feeling right now, not much more I can say to be honest.

I hope to see you soon...

Saturday, 3 May 2008

Current song playing: The Feeling- Rose

Well here I am again, kind of breaking the rule of people asking me to write a blog but I guess I can't bear not being able to express myself.

Speaking of which, I am gradually realising how my words can affect people not in they way I'd like them to. It never makes me feel good to hear about someone not being themselves due to what I have said in here, it was never my intention to cause that. I just wanted others to understand how I feel about things in the hope they understand or can help me in case I can't help myself.

I'll admit something...I have Asperger's syndrome. I can't use this as an excuse for what I have said but I want you to know that I have always found it hard to say or do the right thing because of it. It hinders my ability to read social situations or peoples body language in the event of someone doing/saying something in a particular situation. But anyway if you want to know more about my Asperger's then you can either Google it or just feel free to ask me yourself, it would be nice to talk to you about it.

Anyway I have had a few niggling thoughts over these past few days, would probably be best to mention them but I shall try not to say anything untoward (feel free to correct me if I make any mistakes). I don't see the point in hiding people behind descriptive names so I'm just going to come out with it.

Cat, I am sorry to have been a bad influence to you recently, there probably are things in my blogs I shouldn't have said or said in a way that came across how I didn't want it to. I appreciate right now that you need some time for yourself so I'm going to just leave you to decide if and when you want to talk to me again. It would be an honour to speak to you. In the words of Outkast:
"I still get overwhelmed, when I look in your eyes"

Jo, I want to thankyou for lying with me on Thursday when I was crying my eyes out, I don't know many other people who'd be willing to spend so much time ensuring I was going to be OK and I apologise for making you cry as a result. You don't have to react that way over me and if I felt up to it at the time I would have made sure you felt better rather than the other way around.

Cathy, Lauren, it was extremely kind of you to see how I was and for talking to me about all this over the past couple of days. Your advice is well received and I shall keep it in mind.

Finally, just an apology to whoever I pissed off when they read my blogs. If there's anything in my blogs you don't like or want to comment on e-mail me at if you don't fancy posting a public comment.

I'll see you soon

Thursday, 1 May 2008

Current song playing: Coldplay- The Scientist

I should have known posting blogs about how I felt was going to wreak havoc, and it has so I can only say the following:

I'm sorry for those I made cry when they read my blogs
I'm sorry for those I made angry when they read my blogs
And I'm sorry for being nothing but trouble since I arrived

As of now I will probably only post blogs if people ask me to seeing as when I post a blog of my own free will I end up doing something bad.

Choose to interpret the following lyrics how you will, it's kind of how I'm feeling at the moment.

Come up to meet you, tell you I'm sorry
You don't know how lovely you are

I had to find you
Tell you I need you
Tell you I've set you apart

Tell me your secrets
And ask me your questions
Oh, let's go back to the start

Running in circles
Comet tails
Heads on the science apart

Nobody said it was easy
It's such a shame for us to part
Nobody said it was easy
No one ever said it would be this hard

Oh take me back to the start

I was just guessing
At numbers and figures
Pulling your puzzles apart

Questions of science
Science and progress
Do not speak as loud as my heart

Come tell me you love me
Come back and haunt me
All in a rush to the start

Running in circles
Chasing our tails
Comin' back as we are

Nobody said it was easy
Oh, it's such a shame for us to part
Nobody said it was easy
No one ever said it would be so hard

I’m going back to the start...