Thursday 1 January 2009

Current song playing: Rose's Theme

That was from the Doctor Who special BBC Proms programme I was watching earlier, and I'll be honest that while I was listening to it and watching the accompanying footage my eyes did start watering up and I don't know why. I can't seem to stop myself.

Anyway to the purpose of this post, well this eventually short post. I have a read about people's New Year's to-do lists or resolutions, so I feel like I should follow suit...but I can't.

I'm drawing blanks, mainly because every year I've done resolutions until 2008's resolution was not to smoke, which was a cop out because I've never smoked so I used it as an easy way of making a resolution. Then after, well, some very special events of late 2007 it made me take a chance. Try something different, something harder but if you manage to complete it it'll make you the happiest you've ever been in your entire life. But no, I couldn't complete it, any attempts failed miserably and circumstances got to the point where it just became hopeless, and I resigned myself.

So now here is the start of another year and I'm out of ideas, won't do the no-smoking one again that's too easy, and everyone knows what I tried last year won't work this year either as I'm not as close as I was last year so I'm opening this up to suggestions. That's right, any reader of this is formally allowed to dictate what my New Year's resolution will be. But first some exceptions:

  • Can't say give up chocolate or give up Coke, don't know why not but I'd prefer if I didn't have to.

Hmm, that's the only exception I can think of, well the decision rests with you my humble crowd of followers. Do what you want with me.